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Frequently Asked Questions



Q. What about medical Information?

A. For immediate medical information, please check with your doctors, or check with Down syndrome specific medical information sites. Every child is a little different and each has it's own medical needs. Most of the sites concerning Down syndrome listed elsewhere on this site will have links to help you find the exact information you seek. That worldwide information will be more abundant, and more accurate, than any information than we could present here. (My wife and I are not Doctors).

Q . What is the purpose of this site?

A . As parents of a daughter with Down syndrome, we know how frustrating it is to find a source of local information. As a new parent with a Special Needs child, you feel like a ping pong ball bouncing around from one voice to another, not knowing which way to go. Time is important to the developement of your child! We started this site to bring as much local information as we could to one place, one website, so any new (or old) parent can quickly check one local source for the information that may help them. Time is critical for information to a new parent of a newborn with Down syndrome.

Q . How much information will you be adding?

A . Our primary goal is to help locally as best we can with our limited resources. Rather than list every Down syndrome link or resource in the world located here under a thousand web pages, our goal is to have a more intimate and family feel to our website. Our main concern is our local Community, and the Broward County area here in South Florida seemed a good place to start.

Q. Is this a Government agency?

A . No. We are just individuals and parents trying to help our Community







down syndrome books

Count Us In: Growing
Up with Down Syndrome



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Adults With Down



Life Goes on DVD Set







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