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Glossary & Terms
  • ACLD - Association for Children with Learning Disabilities (organization)
  • ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
  • CDTC - Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center. It is designed to help parents encourage their child's optimal growth and development by providing a happy and stimulating environment. One of its many specialties is the physical and psychological evaluation of children who have been in the Neonatal Unit at Broward General Medical Center. Another is its family living intervention program. Pediatric specialists are on staff for a number of medical needs.
  • COTA - Certified Occupational Therapist
  • DD - Developmental Delay
  • DD - Developmental Disability
  • DH - Developmentally Handicapped
  • Down syndrome - a condition characterized by trisomy of the human chromosome numbered 21pair, thus giving the person a total of 47 chromosomes rather than the usual 46.
  • DS - Down syndrome
  • EC - Early Childhood
  • ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
  • EI - Early Intervention
  • EP - Educational Plan
  • ESE - Exceptional Student Education
  • FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  • FICCIT Florida Interagency Coordination Council
  • FDLRS - ("fiddlers") Florida Diagnostic Learning Resources. It is a statewide program that provides services to special education students, their teachers and parents, and the community agencies serving them.The media center contains a collection of books, audiovisual materials and kits, available for loan or preview.
  • IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tracing back to the 1975 legislation enacted to ensure equal educational opportunities for children with disabilities, the IDEA now covers 6.1 million schoolchildren at a cost of $41.5 billion annually.
  • IEP - Individualized Education Program.
  • ILC - Independant Living Center
  • IRI - Informal Reading Inventories. Indicates reading level. This information will help ensure that your child is working at the appropriate academic level.
  • ISP - Individualized Service Plan
  • NADS - National Association for Down Syndrome (Organization)
  • NDSC - National Down Syndrome Congress
  • NDSS - National Down Syndrome Society (Organization)
  • NEA - National Education Association (Organization)
  • NECTAS - National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Systems (Organization)
  • NICHY - National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (Organization)
  • NPIN - National Parent Information Network (Organization)
  • NPND - National Parent Network on Disabilities (Organization)
  • NPPSIS - National Parent to Parent Support & Information Systems, Inc. (Organization)
  • OSEP - Office of Special Education Programs (U.S. Department of Education)
  • OSERS - Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (U.S. Department of Education)
  • OT - Occupational Therapy. Therapy by means of activity; creative activity prescribed for its effect in promoting recovery or rehabilitation. Fine motor skills, doing buttons, scissors, eating, etc.
  • PART "C" - Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention Program. From Birth to 3 years of age.The Infants and Toddlers early intervention program is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, community-based, family-focused program that provides a coordinated system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with a developmental delay or an established condition which places them at high risk for developmental disabilities and their families.
  • PLACE Program -Provides an educational program for children ages 3-5 years of age, who function in the mildly handicapped range. A fulltime prescholl program with a language enriched curriculum.
  • PL 94-142 -- Education of Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (now PL 101-476)
  • PL 99-457 -- Education of the Handicapped Amendment of 1986 (now PL 101-476)
  • PL 105-476 -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (formerly PL 94-142 and 99-457)
  • PL 105-15 -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (formerly PL 101-476)
  • PM&R - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • PRO - Parent Resource Organization
  • PT - Physical Therapy. The treatment of condition by physical and mechanical means (as massage, regulated exercise, water, light). Such as crawling, walking, jumping, etc.
  • SEA -- State Education Act or State Education Agency
  • Section 503/504 -- Sections of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • SLD -- Specific Learning Disability
  • SLP -- Speech Language Pathologist
  • SLT -- Speech Language Therapist
  • SN -- Special Needs
  • SPED -- Special Education or Special Education Teacher
  • SSDI -- Social Security Disability Insurance







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